Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing
Chapter Misc
Related to knowledge and digital freedom.
Where Misc Room
@ Toolbox Coworking
Via Agostino da Montefeltro 2, Turin
When 4 years ago
26/10/2019 at 17:00
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Language Italiano


What are the differences between a classic computer and a quantum computer? We will find out, finally in a simple but accurate way, thanks to a physics professor from the University of Turin.


In addition to discovering the differences between a "normal" computer and a quantum computer, we will talk about the magic words of quantum mechanics: overlapping and entanglement.

We will see the simpler Deutsch algorithm, with a classical case and the quantum part.


La fotografia di un chip quantistico è fornita da D-Wave Systems, Inc. con licenza CC BY 3.0 Unported, da Wikimedia Commons.




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