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Davide Bucci

Davide Bucci

My skills:



Davide is a transalpine traveller, Sunday programmer (except when it's sunny and there's snow and he can go ski) and sometimes even of Saturday afternoon. Sometimes he tells boys and girls how to use operational amplifiers, some other times he sings to the top of his lungs with other people. Old computers and analogical electronics enthusiast, he has at home an embarrassing number of oscilloscopes, transistors, a typing machine and a piano. Coordinator of the open source project FidoCadj, Davide is sensitive to the charm of two seats convertibles, especially with mid-engine layout.

Davide often uses Java, C and C++, he know how to build a impulse generator with step recovery diodes, he knows pretty well what is an augmented fourth interval, how does the ionic exchange work on glass and how to calculate movement of propagation in a dielectric waveguide.


Name Type Chapter Where Quando
Ten years put behind FidoCadj Talk Dev Computer Science department
A room
At 16:00 (22/10/2016)
7 years ago


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