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Francesco Tucci

Francesco Tucci


He has fun when he's dealing with bits and electrical current, professional systems analyst, maker for his own plesure, podcaster ( and ) at least once a month.

Short résumé of my passions: Win/Linux/Mac systems, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and other embedded boards, electronics fundamentals, programmer as a pastime (what languages? It's not important, learning their syntax is not preclusive).


Name Type Chapter Where Quando
A Telegram bot with Python Talk Dev Computer Science department
A room
At 17:00 (22/10/2016)
7 years ago

Other partecipations

MQTT Linux Day Turin 2019 Toolbox Coworking
At 17:00 (26/10/2019)
4 years ago
E con Linux che Programmi uso? Linux Day Torino 2015 Biotechnology department
At 17:00 (24/10/2015)
8 years ago
Videosorveglianza RaspberryPi Linux Day Torino 2014 Polytechnic of Turin (citadel)
At 15:00 (25/10/2014)
9 years ago


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